Today in my Yard

I have a bunch of these in my yard.

They grow along a wall that gets a substantial amount of sun this time of year.

When there is sun.

I have no idea what they are.

Nor do I care.

All I know is that they are always the first to come out of the ground.

I have no interest in looking up its name.

The latin derivative is even less interesting.

Don’t care about how many petals it has.

Or stamens.

Descriptions of its colors beyond blue and purple are moot.

Indescribable is a word for a reason.

After months of gray, I see color.

I live for color. I thrive on it.

Pointing and “Pretty flower.”

That’s how my kids used to describe them.

Good enough for me.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Leaning toward bluebells, but will ask my wife. You should want to know what colors your world

  2. Hey, barkeep! Two more for Kenny Two Beers, please.

    I’da been proud to write this one. I call ’em, “those lavender-blue thingies on the side of the house. The one’s with the fuzzy sticks in ’em. Yeah, those.”

  3. Funny thing is, I want to know the names and details of any and all fish I see and catch. Same goes for anything edible. The need to know trails off quickly after that.
    Now if I find it in my book of Edible Wild Plants, it’s dinner.

  4. Hard to tell Dale, one part say blue bells one part doesn’t. I need a leaf.

    My garden was destroyed by Landscapers. Damn town home. We plan on starting over.

    Did you know little yellow flowers grow on the banks south of the water plant? They’ll be fully up in April.

  5. Scilla.
    Just went out to my yard because I noticed from the window they have opened.
    In my yard they are the third flower to bloom, preceded by snowdrops and crocuses.
    Best time of year!

    1. Lots of things coming up around the house so far Mari, but so far nothing blooming. Odd, seems to be taking forever.

      1. The scilla are blooming. That’s not “nothing.” Any minute you’ll see daffodils.

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