Attention WalMart Shoppers

I am going to begin moving a number of posts from another blog to here at Waterdog Journal.

Which means, if you’re a subscriber, you’ll be getting around 20 or so notices of posts.

Sorry in advance if this is a problem, but the moving must get done.

And no, none of them will contain photo’s like these…

People of WalMart

I know you’re disappointed.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sigh…my father sends me prank emails with people of walmart photos. Enough to make me never go in one again! 😉

    1. I have two daughters that like to spread the joy, otherwise I would never hear of most of the sites like that.

      I do like “I Waste so Much Time” though, when I feel like doing just that.

      Luckily they inherited my sense of humor, so the sites do have a sarcastic bite to them.

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