National Organization for Rivers

If you have never visited the National Organization for Rivers site, you should.

National Organization for Rivers

I first came across it over a dozen years ago and rely on it heavily to do what I do here in Illinois.

It’s been a couple of years since I visited the site myself and I recently got a note from Vanessa Jones informing me that there are all kinds of new things going on at NORS.

New site look, new book, new info and it’s worth it just to download the one page summary River Law Handout.

If you know about NORS and haven’t been there in awhile, go check it out.

If you don’t know about NORS, go now.

Either way, pass the link around.

I think it’s info that all of us that wade rivers and creeks need to know.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for the link. The 2 page synopsis confirms what I always thought, despite what one particular game warden yelled at me in a creek near you.

    1. Olaf, I enjoy arguing with the game wardens. Did that on the Apple River years ago. He knew the real laws, but he had to go by what most believe in Illinois. Eventually he walked away and we went right back to what we were doing. It was a mutual understanding at that point. He said what he had to say, we did what we had to do.

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