I was Going to go Fishing

I was Going to go Fishing

I was going to go fishing, but I knew the creeks were running crystal clear and would be devoid of fish.

I was going to go fish the Fox River, but the wind was howling with gusts up to 40 and where I wanted to go would have me standing out in the open facing this head on. With the bite still virtually non-existent, hardly worth the effort.

I was going to go for a walk, but after 100 yards I couldn’t get out of that relentless wind.

I thought of sticking around for the sunset, but the wind had blown all the clouds away. As beautiful as a sunset with sky blue skies and gold on the horizon can be, I’ve seen enough of those. I wanted more.


I wandered over to the abandoned bridge over a creek and stared down into the water.


I looked behind every rock for life, for a fish holding out of the current. Not a thing.

Then my mind went blank.

I know I’m thinking, of something, at that point, but it’s undefined.

My dad, my ma, the wife, the kids, the job, the car, or am I just thinking about the creek.

The play of light over running water over rock.


Maybe it was muslims, Iran, Israel, Indiana, LGBT, Jesus, Easter, bunnies, employment counts, bank accounts, terrorists, methodists, baptists and the KKK.

Or maybe it was just the play of light over running water over rock.


I was going to go fishing. In a way, I guess I did.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. 20, 30 even 40 somethings don’t tend to have these thoughts. Not sure why, or at least I don’t remember why. But eventually we get to this.

    Wherever I live, move to, after the City is done in me, there will have to be flowing water within easy reach.

    1. I’ve been two blocks from the Fox for 9 years now Bob. First in Yorkville and now in Montgomery. Not much driving to get to 4 creeks.

      My brain is a muddled mess lately. I need to quit listening to the radio or reading newspapers. It’s interfering with story telling. Or, maybe these are new stories struggling to get out. Hard to tell yet. All I know is that I can’t make sense of them right now.

  2. The play of light over running water has a way of reflecting it all, doesn’t it. And there’s a beauty to that, of course, even if it’s a muddled mess, though we’d prefer to have it make some sense and be comforting. To catch a fish in the middle of it would set things right and give us a wonderful focus and, thankfully, they will come pretty soon.

    1. The comfort comes from being able to stare at the water Walt, don’t know what I’d do without that. I don’t have any replacements. Eventually the brain will settle down.

      Hoping to try and get out again today to see if those pesky fish are ready to cooperate. The debate remains on river or creeks. The closeness of the creeks is much more inviting, fish or no fish.

  3. The world is a mess. It occupies too much of the mind. Water is the answer. It’s a good thing we fishermen are already crazy.

    1. You are correct on all points Howard.

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