Nature Made Zen Rock

Nature Made Zen Rock

Found a nature made zen rock.

Perched on a cone of mud.

On the exposed roots of a big over turned tree.

On the bottom edge of a steep, narrow ravine.

Left it there for someone else to find.

Considering what it took for me to find it.

That may never happen.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Or the same forces that made it will knock it down. Either way it’s cool.

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

    1. I thought you might like this Robin. I see similar things often. Tree falls down, rain eventually washes away all the dirt in the root ball and there’s always cool rocks and shells embedded in with the roots. This being so perfect is a first. Some good rains will eventually wash away the dirt and it will be gone.

    1. See what I wrote for Robin, Howard. I like rummaging around in root balls when I come across them. Lots of river rocks stuck in them and I’m always hoping to find an old stone arrowhead. You just never know.

  2. I like the turn made by the final two lines. They crank the beauty of a find like this into poetry.

    1. Thanks Walt. A friend calls it “speaking in absolutes.” Probably could have turned each line into paragraphs, but sometimes as few words as possible works pretty well.

  3. Always interesting to see what catches others eyes when wandering the forests. Have you found any arrowheads in your explorations? I like looking for fungi and birds. I really want to see an owl perched in a tree with my own eyes. I have seen one fly by my car at night when I was at a stop light in Wisconsin, but have never clearly seen a wild one.

    1. Years ago Justin, I was walking the foot trail north along the Fox from Glenwood Forest Preserve to where the old dam used to be. Taking my time, picking up rocks as I went. I would look them over and toss them in the river. I picked up an arrowhead and in my head said… “Cool, an arrowhead,” and I tossed it toward the river. I believe before it hit the water my head said… “You’re a fucking moron.”

      Have never found another one.

      There are quite a few owls in that southern stretch of Batavia and an eagle now and then. Be patient, you’ll see them.

      1. Haha that’s a great story that I think we all can relate to. You’re on the hunt for something, but so used to throwing things back or in my case deleting things, and then you come across what you’re looking for but it’s a delayed confirmation, and muscle memory takes over. Sucks you haven’t found another.

        I’ll remember that spot. Thank you! I have another spot that a birder (Is that the correct term for them) told me about that. They said I better my chances in fall, winter, and early spring before the tree’s grow back their leaves to spot a few owls.

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