Need Fox River Fishing Reports?

While I continue to ignore writing anything here and not reading much (sorry everyone, it’s been kind of nice being oblivious to everything), I have been leaving fishing reports on my Waterdog Journal Facebook Page.

I do need to do that, I do run a fishing guide service on the Fox River after all.

The fishing has died down a bit and you really have to work for them, but they do keep hitting enough for me to keep getting out there.

I’ve been leaving a short paragraph or two about my fishing trips on the Facebook page, when I remember.

I know, some of you probably hate Facebook and don’t Like anything about it, but at least it will give you a chance to see if the fish are hitting around here or not.

So c’mon, Like me. I’m a likeable guy.

Waterdog Journal Facebook Page

This Post Has 7 Comments

    1. Thanks Nick. It’s been kind of nice laying low and keeping things simple.

    1. There was a request put in asking that you be kept out of the loop 🙂

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