Which is Worse

Which is Worse

I can’t decide which is worse.

Wasting my time, energy and debatable artistic talent tying a fly.

Or, sitting down and making a multicolor etching of said fly.

I can and have done both in what seems like another life, but the combination of the two…

I don’t know.

In 2015 both talents seem quaint at best.

I can buy all the flies I’ll ever need for considerably less than the investment it would take to tie them.

As for etching, don’t they make a Photoshop filter for that?

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. They may, but it isn’t half as cool. Both arts are honourable and valuable. My compliments.

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

    1. I seem to have lost my patience for doing either Robin. I’m sure it’s the time issue. Never enough of it. Cuts into my fishing time.

  2. I tie but mostly buy and can’t do art try

    1. April is coming Dick. I’ll let you know when the fish are in. But since you live down the street and can hit the spot at any time, try to stop at 30 fish and leave me a couple.

      Still thinking of primarily using a fly rod this spring. At least I’ll keep one in the car.

  3. Both are art and if the picture above is an example of your work then I’m pretty sure that your tying is every bit as nice.

    1. Many years ago when I thought I might tie my own flies, I was pretty good at it Howard.

      That picture is the only thing hanging on the walls in the room with this computer. It’s a hand me down from a friend. I may make fun of both, but I do know quality.

      It’s done by a woman named Mary Ellen Mueller who hailed from Cedarburg, Wisconsin. This piece is at least 20 years old that I know of. I’ll have to look her up to see if she’s still around.

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