Fishing the Apple River with ChatGPT

Fishing the Apple River with ChatGPT

I asked ChatGPT the following:

write a story about fishing the Apple River in Illinois through it’s limestone bluffs in first person

I then generated 4 different versions of stories about fishing the Apple River. Each story was written as if it was going to the river for the very first time. Each version was interesting in it’s own way, but if you read the other things I’ve been putting up about ChatGPT you’ll have seen where I mention that it would be interesting to see if ChatGPT could write contiguous stories about fishing the same location week after week. No different than the writing I had done for years primarily about the Fox River.

So I came up with a simple request at the bottom of version 4. There’s an area where you can type something in and it will generate something based on the version it’s under. That will make a bit more sense when you read what’s below. I could have easily separated these two stories and put them up in different posts, but I might do that later to others. I can see doing a different story based on an original and playing with it to see how far I can take it every week. Basically, just like I used to. I’m sure on top of that I could feed a little different info into each of the different stories to see what happens.

I could see generating story after story week after week, something that would have taken me a lot of time in real time. But with ChatGPT I could see generating a years worth of stories in about an hour and every week put up another post, again, like I used to.

I’ll have to continue to give this more thought.

For now, here’s what ChatGPT gave me for…

Version 4

As I woke up to the golden rays of the morning sun, I could feel the anticipation bubbling within me. Today was the day I had been eagerly awaiting for weeks – the day I would embark on a fishing adventure along the Apple River in Illinois. Known for its scenic limestone bluffs and pristine waters, the Apple River was a fisherman’s paradise.

I quickly gathered my fishing gear and headed out towards the river. The drive was filled with anticipation as my mind wandered to the possibilities that awaited me. The Apple River was said to be teeming with smallmouth bass, rock bass, and even the elusive trout. It was a challenge I was ready to embrace.

As I arrived at the riverbank, a sense of tranquility washed over me. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the towering oak trees, and the sound of flowing water greeted my ears. The limestone bluffs stood majestically, providing a picturesque backdrop to my fishing expedition.

I carefully selected my fishing spot, where the river meandered gracefully around a bend. The water was crystal clear, allowing me to catch glimpses of the riverbed, where fish would dart playfully between the rocks. With my trusty fishing rod in hand, I cast my line into the water, allowing the lure to dance across the surface.

The moments passed, and the anticipation grew. My focus sharpened as I watched the subtle movements of the water, waiting for the telltale sign of a fish. Suddenly, there it was – a slight tug on the line. I tightened my grip, and with a swift motion, I set the hook.

The battle began as the fish fought against the resistance of the line. The water erupted in splashes as the fish leaped out, attempting to free itself from my grasp. The tug-of-war continued, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. This was what I had come for – the thrill of the chase.

After an intense struggle, I finally managed to reel in my prize. It was a beautiful smallmouth bass, glistening in the morning light. Admiring the fish, I marveled at its vibrant colors and the determination it had shown during our encounter. I gently released it back into the water, knowing that it would continue its journey in the river.

Throughout the day, I continued to fish along the Apple River, exploring its twists and turns, and marveling at the limestone bluffs that adorned its banks. The rhythm of casting and reeling became second nature, as I lost myself in the peacefulness of the surroundings.

As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, I reflected on the day’s adventure. The Apple River had exceeded my expectations, offering not only the thrill of fishing but also a profound connection with nature. It was a reminder of the importance of preserving these natural treasures for generations to come.

With a contented heart and memories to cherish, I packed up my fishing gear and bid farewell to the Apple River. As I drove back home, I couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this was just the beginning of my journey as an angler, and that many more rivers and experiences awaited me in the vast world of fishing.


To see if ChatGPT could give me a fishing story about the same spot as if I went back the following week, I asked ChatGPT this:

write story about this same spot one week later

It was such a simple request, I wasn’t expecting it to do anything, but this is what it gave me for…

Version 4 Week 2

As the week flew by, I found myself yearning to return to the familiar embrace of the Apple River. The memories of my last fishing expedition still fresh in my mind, I couldn’t resist the allure of the limestone bluffs and the tranquil waters. With a sense of anticipation, I set off once again towards the serene riverbank.

Upon arriving at the fishing spot, I noticed a subtle change in the landscape. The foliage seemed a shade greener, and the air carried the promise of a warm summer’s day. Excitement mingled with nostalgia as I set up my fishing gear in the same spot I had stood just a week before.

As I cast my line into the water, the familiarity of the routine brought a sense of comfort. However, the river had a way of surprising me, and this time was no different. The water had taken on a slightly different character, a touch more playful and mysterious.

The fishing conditions were challenging, with the sun shining brightly overhead and casting its dappled light on the water’s surface. The fish seemed to be less active compared to my previous visit. Undeterred, I adjusted my techniques and tried various lures to entice the elusive fish beneath the surface.

As I waited for the fish to take the bait, I took in the beauty of the limestone bluffs surrounding me. Their rugged and weathered surfaces displayed the passage of time, reminding me that nature was ever-changing, just like the river itself. Birds chirped overhead, and the gentle rustle of leaves created a soothing symphony, calming my soul even amidst the slow fishing.

Hours passed by, and while the fish seemed to be testing my patience, I refused to give up. I knew that sometimes, nature demanded persistence and appreciation for the experience, rather than just the rewards. As the sun began to descend, casting a warm glow over the bluffs, I decided to take a break and sit by the river’s edge.

With the fishing rod resting beside me, I leaned back against a rock, absorbing the tranquility of the surroundings. The river’s gentle flow mirrored the ebb and flow of life, teaching me to embrace both the triumphs and the challenges. In this moment of reflection, I realized that fishing was about more than just catching fish; it was about connecting with nature and finding solace in its embrace.

Just as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of purple and gold, I felt a subtle tug on the fishing line. My heart raced with excitement as I quickly picked up the rod. With practiced precision, I reeled in the fish, and to my delight, it was a magnificent rock bass. Though not as big as the smallmouth bass I had caught the previous week, it filled me with a sense of accomplishment.

With the fading light, I released the rock bass back into the water, bidding farewell to the river once again. As I made my way back home, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the Apple River and its limestone bluffs. The river had taught me patience, appreciation for the journey, and the significance of returning to a beloved spot, where each visit would gift me with new experiences and memories to cherish.


I find it all kind of fascinating.

I’ve already asked ChatGPT to write fishing stories for a number of places I’ve fished in Illinois and a couple for places I’ve never been to but could describe. I let it make up stories for characters it felt like putting in, but for the most part they’re all done in first person.

Out of sheer blogging boredom, I could see posting 2 or 3 of these a week to show me traveling all over the place and having a grand old time fishing.

Wouldn’t that be exciting?

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